AdeCare provides assisted and tailored support to meet the specific needs of each participant in our community as they are our priority
Assist-Life Stage, Transition
AdeCare provides support as participants go through key life changes helping individuals manage and cope with different needs
Assist-Personal Activities
Ade Care Services offers support in helping participants with hygiene routines such as showering, bathing, or sponge baths if needed.
Our Testimonials
Director's Statement
As an Accredited Social Worker with Ade Care Services, I am dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to lead independent and fulfilling lives. My educational background in social work, combined with specialized qualifications in counselling and a
deep understanding of mental health, enables me to effectively address the diverse needs of
our community.
Bosede Adebiyi
Director Ade Care Services
Our Testimonials
Individual Testimony Or Endorsement
ADE Care Services is poised to bring a fresh perspective to the NDIS landscape.
Their unwavering commitment to person-centred care, combined with a team of
highly skilled professionals, positions them as a trusted provider in the sector. I have
every confidence in their ability to deliver exceptional outcomes for participants and
their families.
Dr. Bavelin G
Medical Doctor-TUH
Our Testimonials
People’s Say About Our Love & Caring
ADE Care Services exemplifies best practices in disability support. Their dedication
to delivering person-centred, outcome-driven services will undoubtedly set a new
benchmark for NDIS providers. Their values of inclusion, respect, and innovation are
evident in every aspect of their work.
Dr. Catherine A
Medical Doctor/Disability Services Advocate ACS
Our Testimonials
People’s Say About Our Love & Caring
As ADE Care Services begins its journey in NDIS service delivery, I am
confident that their values of inclusion, innovation, and professionalism
will resonate with participants and stakeholders alike. Their focus on
achieving meaningful, sustainable outcomes sets them apart as a
provider of choice.