AdeCare provides customised and tailored support to meet the specific needs of each participant. Whether you need help with personal care once a day or throughout the day, our team will create a plan that best fits your lifestyle. These supports are designed for individuals who have higher care needs due to physical, intellectual, or psychosocial disabilities. This service typically involves: 1. Personal Care: Assisting with daily tasks such as:
* Showering, bathing, or other personal hygiene activities * Dressing and undressing * Eating and meal preparation * Using the toilet or managing continence aids * Mobility support, like transferring from bed to a wheelchair or other forms of movement assistance
2. High-Intensity Support: This refers to care for participants who require specialised or more complex support, such as:
* Medication management or assistance * Feeding through a tube (PEG feeding)
* Assistance with wounds or specific medical care * Catheter management * Seizure management or other complex health needs * 24/7 Care: In some cases, a participant may need round-the-clock supervision or assistance due to high-risk factors or the complexity of their disability.
Why Choose Us
Trusted & Experience
Each service is delivered by our skilled, compassionate team, dedicated to respecting individual choices and promoting independence. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can support you or your loved ones on the journey to a fulfilling, independent life.